Ok, so I know this blog has not been the most inspiring or interesting in anyway whatsoever. So taking a little inspiration from
Robin Blandford of ByteSurgery, Why This Blog?, I've agreed with my old college buddy Robin who I studied Telecommunications with, and I think I will stop hiding my ideas and thoughts that I've been trying to store in hidden places all the time to never be looked at again ever and actually write them out. Why not sure? Hopefully someday someone will read them and pay me to stop giving people ideas to use.
Today I was talking with my Dad about how cheap shopping up north has been. Now I know everyone's giving out that we should shop in the Republic so the taxes go into our government and economy. But why? they just go into a corrupt government that is only now seeing all the corruption happening over the last few years. I find it kind of funny to think that when the recession hits, only then do people watch where the money goes, beforehand these big public figures had no problem hiding their dealings by paying everyone off.
Anyways, the idea is a small business idea, until these prices become a little more reasonable, a small logistics company could do people's shopping up north for a small fee and have it delivered directly to your door. Get a big van, do a number of people's shopping for a small fee and you've made a few quid while probably doing your own shopping up north as well, sweet as. We all save a little money and a lot of fuel.