Friday 13 February 2009

System DVT

SO, over the last week, I've been up to fairly boring monotonous stuff. But given that, I've now got exposure to Fedora 10, Suse 10.2, Windows Server 2003, FreeBSD 7.1 and FreeDOS 1.0. Also got to use a number of AMD BIOS utilities through NDA, Linux Firmware Development Kits and other PCI testing programs.

Basically, I was given a system to run a DVT (Design Validation Test) on. The DVT document was already written up and the tests had already passed on its official DVT. I just had to get up to speed with the technology in order to start a DVT on a newer version of the system.

Firstly I had to log into the system remotely over the RLM console (Remote LAN Module) and log into the console via serial. Then with various commands I had to take dumps of the PCI setup with varying different cards installed and setup. I still have a lot to learn on PCI architecture so my checks of the PCI dump were slow. Since the start of this DVT, I've actually started reading my PCI System Architecture book and I'm slowly beginning to grasp what PCI is all about. Then of course when I finish that, I'll be moving onto PCIe. Plenty to do.

Anyway, part of the DVT involved enabling and disabling Option ROM's. These are devices which are called by the BIOS to add functionality to the PC. The most common of these would be a VGA card. You can see exactly when this Option ROM is called by the BIOS as it is the first thing that comes up on screen. Other Option ROM's include network cards, SCSI cards, hard drives (SATA/PATA) or Fibre Optic Channels.

This brings me to IPL. In order to test the robustness of the system, it was necessary to load a number of operating systems onto a hard drive through the system. So I went through the monotony of installing, loading and configuring Windows Server 2003, Fedora Linux 10, FreeBSD, FreeDOS and DOS from a floppy drive. Other similar tests were booting from a USB key and from a PXE server (which I mentioned before).

All in all a very interesting experience. I'm looking forward to using the new system, but that doesn't arrive until next week when I'm gonna test the crap out of it!

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